Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Native American Rights Fund supports changing name of Washington, D.C. football team name

The name "Redskin" is considered a derogatory term by Indians and non-Indians alike, and has been compared to using the "N-word" in reference to African Americans.

The Native American Rights Fund is one of the many groups who've been vocal in trying to change the name of the football team that plays in Washington, D.C. (I would like to avoid using the actual word, since it is highly offensive to many indigenous people.) Here is an article from the Indian Country Today Media Network about the NARF's position on this issue, and why "racially or culturally disparaging federal trademarks" are damaging to the American people and society as a whole.


  1. I think the American public has progressed forward since the term redskin was deemed derogatory. While the N word is still used today by many people in a negative way, I have never heard anyone use the term redskin to describe or offend a Native American. I dont think when the Redskins' franchise was established they chose the name to be derogatory. I think if the Redkins name was taken away NFL fans all over the country would be angry. The Redskins were one of the first NFL franchises and have been around for 80 some years. It would be awful to see the legacy and tradition of such a team taken away. Although i'm a Ravens fan, I grew up watching Redskins games with my father, as he grew up watching them with his father. What would the NFL be if there were no Redskins v. Cowboys games? Although it would be the same team playing in the same place, it wouldn't be the same. It would really be a shame to lose the tradition and history associated with the Washington Redskins.

  2. The original name of the Washington Redskins was the Braves. They changed the name to the Redskins after their first season in 1932 and has since been the Redskins from 1933-present. The real issue is that some people believe the term redskin is derogatory. I honestly believe that most people of Native American decent feel honored to be recognized as the team mascot of a professional sports team. Also, I have never heard anyone use the term redskin other than talking about the Washington Redskins. It's just a name for a professional sports team, no one is getting hurt or made fun of because of the name redskin. However, If people believe the name needs to be changed, change it to the Washington Braves, but it doesn't really seem to be an issue unless people saying the name needs to be changed make it an issue. It's just a name, it's not the end of the world.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Shouldn't really the only people having this discussion, or at least leading it, be the folks that are supposed to be offended by it? People spend way too much time being offended FOR others, instead of actually listening to them. If Native Americans feel offended by the name "Redskins" then they should seriously consider changing it. If not, then who cares? Just move on.

      Note: This is a different Tyler Bennett than above.

  4. I would be careful here, guys. Some of what you say *is* offensive.

  5. I can't stress enough how important it is to think of the consequences of calling someone else a derogatory nickname that they do not approve of and which perpetuates a negative and false stereotype of their people.

  6. Thought you all might find this article from today in the Washington Post relevant to this post and your subject matter in general. It explains a resolution that D.C. Council member David Grosso is preparing to introduce that suggest the Washington Redskins change their name, possible to the Washington Redtails.
